Wednesday, October 31, 2007

RSS and newsreaders; finding feeds

Although I subscribe to a few RSS feeds via other sources, I've never actually tried to set one up or actively searched for them. I generally just either stumble across something with a feed I want or already know of something with a feed that I want to keep an eye on. Although it did take a bit to really figure out what was going on and find some feeds that I wanted, I did end up finding some that I think will be useful. As far as the search tools for feeds, I may be showing some of my weirdness, but the one I liked best was Syndic8, largely because it focused on text rather than the pretty formatting of the others. When I go looking for news or other information, I prefer to not be distracted by all the other neat things that are out there (well, I don't mind finding out about other things, just not when I'm looking for something in particular!). One problem with setting up and subscribing to feeds like this is that, while it helps to cut down on time spent reading or listening to a variety of sources, it encourages you to subscribe to even more than you (or at least I!) normally would, which doesn't help to cut down on time. But ah, well, I guess that's the price we have to pay in this information-rich world. I can definitely see using a feed for comments to this blog, since I don't have Blogger set up to automatically email them email to me.

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