Wednesday, October 31, 2007

So I haven't quite completed all 23 things yet (vacation really threw me off!), but I still can summarize my thoughts on what I've done so far. Then if I have more thoughts on those things I haven't done yet, well, that's what the "Edit Posts" function is for! :)

Overall this has been a really good experience to introduce me to some things that I hadn't really considered before. I had heard of almost all of the things in the 23 tasks before, although there were many that I hadn't actually looked at, or that I hadn't looked at beyond a cursory glance. A few were things with which I was already pretty familiar, which tends to be par for the course in just about any learning experience. After all, starting completely from scratch on something is frequently extremely difficult!

I had a lot of fun with Facebook, since that's something I'd been meaning to get around to eventually anyway. The mashups, image generators, and poking around on YouTube were all a little more time-consuming than I would have liked, although that's just due to the fact that they were fun to play with. It's good to have set tasks, since a cursory glance or quick play with various tools often doesn't really provide you with enough information to know whether you really want to use them. I enjoyed the Second Life workshop, and although it's technically not Web 2.0, it's one of the "extra things," so I'm counting it here. I wish I had more time to explore many of these resources, as I suspect I'll be hearing and learning more about them in the future.

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